9 min read

7 Little Known Secrets for Building Leads On Twitter

28-Aug-2018 12:00:00

What’s the point of building visibility for your brand if it doesn’t convert into sales?

You hear all the time how important it is to be on social media platforms like Twitter.

And it’s all because it boasts a whopping 330+ million monthly active users.

But what does this translate to for your business’s revenue?

Of course, it takes more than just signing up to a platform to generate any real results.

You need a solid strategy if you want to see your traffic and conversions increase.

A lot of businesses try and fail at marketing their brand on Twitter because they lack insights.

You need to know who you should be reaching out to in order to propel your business forward.

Because at the end of the day, the key to successful Twitter marketing is about building your group of followers.

Of course, as your list is growing, you need to engage with them so they're more inclined to interact with your posts.

It's also important to note that the average Twitter user follows five businesses.

Making it to this list should be a top priority.

However, ensuring this requires the right Twitter tools and methods.

In this post, we’re going to talk about how to get followers on Twitter using a clever tool and proven techniques.

Let’s take a closer look.

1 - Finding Qualified Leads On Twitter

Probably the hardest part about Twitter marketing is trying to weed through all the noise.

Finding the prospects who are most likely to desire your product or service are slim.

At least, that’s the reality when you don’t have the right tools.

One tool that can really help you is Commun.it.

This platform has a special feature SMBs can use to find qualified leads. 


Within the dashboard, you’ll find the “Schedule” tab.

From here, you click on “New Leads” and you’re granted access to an area that allows you to search for Tweets and users based on keywords.

Simply click on the “Add keywords” under “Search by Keyword” on the left and you can begin finding prospects.

2 - Filtering Your Leads with Relevant Keywords

Let’s say you sell fitness supplements and want to reach out to fitness trainers.

You can type in keywords like fitness trainer, fitness, physical fitness, personal fitness, and personal trainer.

Or, you can even search for hashtags.

This will pull up users who mention these terms and/or have them in their Twitter bios.


You can scroll through the results and easily find out if you’re already following one another. 


From there, you can decide to connect with them and begin your journey to building a relationship.

In this case, if it’s a fitness trainer, then simply introduce yourself or begin interacting with their Tweets.

Comments, retweeting and mentioning them are all excellent ways to engage with users in a meaningful way.

Eventually, you can reach out and make an offer.

Or if you’re posting great content, the user may reach out to your brand instead.

The good news is you can do all of this right from the Commun.it platform. In your dashboard, you can see the last time users mentioned your keyword in a Tweet as well. 


3 - Finding Businesses to Partner With

Another way you can use this tool is to find and connect with other business owners.

You’ll find that partnering with other companies can improve your visibility and consumer reach

For instance, if you own a fitness supplement shop, it’d be a good idea to reach out to fitness gyms, personal trainers, plastic surgeons, and anyone else who shares your same customers.

Simply use the same keyword search tool to locate businesses searching for nutrition, fitness supplements, weight loss, muscle building, or other keywords related to your industry.

You can also look them up by their own keywords – weight loss trainer, fitness gym, and plastic surgeon.

It’s pointless to partner with brands that don’t have your same customer base.

The key is to cross-promote services so the relationship is mutually beneficial.

For example, you can offer to promote their weight loss training services to your customers and vice versa.

You can also write content on your blog revolving around exercise and weight loss, then provide a link to your partner's website.

Another option is to write a guest blog post for the trainer’s blog.

This will make things easier on your new partner and help give your brand a voice on their turf.

You can allow them to do the same on your blog.

This way, any visitors that find the content will click the link and find your businesses.

4 - Following Your Customers

You want to get more Twitter followers, but not just any kind.

So far, you’re aiming for prospects and business partnerships.

But there’s another group of people you don’t want to overlook – your customers.

Retaining your customers is important.

Not only is it cheaper to keep them, but it can also boost your revenue.

By re-engaging your current customers, you can increase the chances of them returning to buy from you again.

A whopping 80% of Twitter users have mentioned a brand at some time or another.

And nearly 55% of users reported taking action after seeing Tweets mentioning brands.

With Commun.it, you can find your customers using your brand keywords.

This can be the name of your company, products, or services.

If there are other keywords related solely to your business, then you can search for those as well.

Now, once you find your customers, you can follow them and join in relevant conversations.

You can also keep an eye on reviews. When someone posts a negative comment about your brand, you can quickly reach out and try to rectify the issue.

And whenever there’s a positive review, you can reach out and say thank you.

It’s also essential to reply to users that have questions for your brand.

Most of today’s consumers use social media as their medium for obtaining customer service and support.

In fact, 63% of consumers expect brands to reply to their tweets within the hour.

Yet the average response time is around 90 minutes.

Beat this and you’re in the money.

About 76% of consumers say they’re more likely to recommend a brand after receiving friendly service.

When other users see your responsiveness to customers, it’ll help convince them to do business with you as well.

Just look at the numbers – 77% of Twitter users say they feel positive about a brand that replies to them.

Remember, Twitter is highly visible – if your customers are saying good things about you, then all of their followers will see it and may check out your brand.

5 - Growing Your Brand with Influencers

Partnering with businesses is great, but nothing can give you a near-instant boost in recognition like an influencer can.

And you don’t necessarily have to go after the most notables.

There are tons of influencers today, thanks to the social media age we live in.

Nearly every industry has hundreds of influencers helping consumers learn and even purchase products and services.

The Commun.it tool enables you to find, connect with, and track influencers in your industry.

The keyword search tool will assist you in finding a list of users talking about a given topic.

You can see everything on the platform, including their number of followers. 


This is crucial to know to determine whether they have a large enough influence.

Ideally, you want someone who has tens of thousands of followers.

However, you can harness the power of multiple influencers to triple or even quadruple your reach.

Most of today’s influencers are bloggers and vloggers.

So you can add these keywords to your search.

For example, you can look up weight loss bloggers, fitness YouTubers, and so on.

The more niche your search, the easier it’ll be to hone in on the perfect influencer for your brand.

Using the same example as a nutrition supplement seller, you can reach out to fitness gurus who have a large social media following and have them promote your supplements.

It'll work even better if you supply them with free supplements to try and showcase before and after photos of their results.

6 - Maximizing Your Results with Highly-Targeted Leads

The Commun.it platform goes beyond just being a tool for finding leads.

It also allows you to organize your outreach campaigns in a unique way.

For example, you can quickly blacklist a user you don’t want to see in your feed. This is good for using for competitors that show up in your feeds or irrelevant users. 


Or you can add them to a specific group – starred (to get back to them later) or whitelist (for a definite prospect). You can also create a new group and easily manage them from the dashboard.

If you already have Twitter lists, you can easily import them by clicking on manage groups, then selecting “Import Twitter Lists.” 


Another feature you don’t want to overlook is the ability to view the full profile of each user listed in your search results.


Here, you’re able to see the last time they Tweeted, their recent Tweets containing your keywords, and how many times you’ve engaged with them.

This becomes essential when you begin interacting with your new leads.

You can keep track of how many times and how often you reach out to them and what your interactions were (retweets, mentions, replies etc).

There’s even a quick mention button you can click to add them to a new Tweet.

If you click on the Tweets tab in their profile, you can see all of their most recent Tweets as well.

This enables you to quickly engage in real-time by replying, retweeting, or liking their posts.

Managing your connections and relationships don’t get any more convenient.

7 - Start Building Your Strategy to Get More Twitter Followers & Leads

Las but by no means least, maximizing your reach on Twitter doesn't have to be a headache.

When you have access to the right tools, you can quickly connect with influencers, prospects, and potential partners.

It's key to explore all business opportunities you can capitalize on using Twitter.

With the right connections, you can grow your visibility, traffic, and potentially your revenue.

Hopefully, you'll find this tool and these tips useful for using Twitter to grow your leads and business. Give them a try today and let us know what worked for you and what didn't.

 This has been a guest post.

We at Spades Media have been using Commun.it for a while and absolutely love what it does for our social activity and lead generation.
I asked if we could run a special offer for readers of this blog and if you visit Commun.it via this link only you can get a 14 day FREE account and an 80% discount for upgrade to a business account, which is what we use and it is incredibly good value and will offer you an amazing return.

We have received no financial incentive for the guest post, we just love the tool and the people behind it :)

Sharel Omer - CEO & Co-Founder at Commun.it

Written by Sharel Omer - CEO & Co-Founder at Commun.it

Sharel Omer is CEO & Co-founder of Commun.it - a community management & intelligence platform for Social Media. Commun.it helps thousands of marketers and small businesses to build business-oriented relationships, save time and increase their ROI from their social media activities.
